Students and New Grads
Graduation Day
Graduation Day
New Office Opening Day
Graduation Day
YOU are the Future!
Whether you are new to practice, or have not yet graduated chiropractic school, YOU are the future of our profession.
The Pinnacle Chiropractic System supports you in this new chapter with proven organizational procedures, expert guidance, and practice recommendations that are right for you.
The System guides you on how to launch your start-up, from floor plan
analysis to instruction on hiring great staff; the experienced doctors
of Pinnacle help you avoid costly missteps and flatten
the learning curve of establishing your new practice.
We teach you
What it really takes to build a stress-free, satisfying practice
How to hire and retain great staff
What keeps patients coming back
How to be resilient—and successful—in times of crisis and adversity
How to make sure you are not one of the 50% of practices that fail
Start Smart
Paperwork and Forms: Pinnacle provides state-of-the-art Patient, Office, and HIPAA forms so you are ready and compliant--beginning with your very first patient.
Floor Plan Analysis: An experienced Pinnacle doctor will review your office floor plan and return the best layout for you and your office.
The Blue Books: Your operations manuals. Everything you need to know to run a low-overhead, successful Pinnacle office. Includes separate books for doctors and staff.
The number one comment we hear from our veteran chiropractors is “I wish I would have started with Pinnacle.” Be our guest at the next seminar!