We are more than just seminars, Pinnacle is your information base and support system. With five national seminars every year, regular local and regional meetings, private counseling at seminars, and unrestricted phone counseling; we offer a solid foundation for your office to grow.
Get Started
Once you join, you gain access to the Members-Only website: everything you need, all in one place.
Consultation, Report of Findings and Cash Report of Findings
The Blue Books and Foundational materials
State-of-the-art, user-friendly Office and Patient Forms
Start-up Procedures and custom Floor Plan Analysis
Focused Staff Training and Staff Onboarding Toolkit
Keep Growing
Stay focused, up-to-date and connected between sessions with:
Access to small-group intensive meetings in aspirational destinations
A library of video Podcasts and fascinating interviews from the best minds in Pinnacle
Curated content from our Live Seminars
At Pinnacle, we honor Handshake Contacts. Always.
Membership Options
Programs are designed to meet the needs of every practice. The average chiropractic case is $1400. Gain one new patient a month and you have doubled your investment!
Full Member
New Membership
$799/ month or
Alumni Member
After 2 years of Full Membership
$499/ month or
1st Year Doctor
In practice 12 months or less
$399/month or
Student Member
Before Graduation
$399 to join.
Then upon graduation,
$100/mo for months 0-6, then
$399 for months 7-24.
What's a Pinnacle Practice Like?
Our doctors share their personal Pinnacle experience. They share how they implement the System, how their offices feel, and the outcomes you can expect.